I want to encourage you to join many Triangle churches including Mt. Zion for Prayer 2012: a City-Wide Prayer Rally on 10/16 at Memorial Auditorium. To reserve a seat, sign-up online.
Don't forget to participate in Project: Witness To Thy Neighbor, where we are challenging ourselves to intentionally share the Gospel with a neighbor.
A book I highly recommend on sharing the Gospel is "The Gospel and Personal Evangelism" by Mark Dever.
We continue our Culture and Theology series on Homosexuality this Wednesday. We had a good discussion last week and look forward to engaging this topic some more as we answer some of the culture's objections to what the Bible says. Everyone is invited to attend. And we will be streaming it on Zion Live.
Our next Town Hall Meeting is Saturday, September 22nd, at 9:00am. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A. All members are invited to come out and ask their questions and/or give their input. We want to hear from you!
A book I highly recommend on sharing the Gospel is "The Gospel and Personal Evangelism" by Mark Dever.
We continue our Culture and Theology series on Homosexuality this Wednesday. We had a good discussion last week and look forward to engaging this topic some more as we answer some of the culture's objections to what the Bible says. Everyone is invited to attend. And we will be streaming it on Zion Live.
Our next Town Hall Meeting is Saturday, September 22nd, at 9:00am. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A. All members are invited to come out and ask their questions and/or give their input. We want to hear from you!