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Showing posts from March, 2012

Spring Spruce Up Results, Easter Invitations, Complete Skills Profile (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/25)

Thanks to everyone that participated in the Spring Spruce Up on yesterday.   The savings we got from doing the clean up ourselves is in the thousands!  So your time and effort is greatly appreciated. And the winner of the zone challenge goes to Zone 4 (for the most participants and hours worked)! The Fish Fry scheduled for Saturday will be rescheduled to a later date. There's still time to participate in Serve Thy Neighbor before this quarter is over. Here's a great service idea: as the pollen settles, offer to wash your neighbor's car. In anticipation of next quarter's Invite Thy Neighbor, we have flyers for our Easter weekend celebration that you can use to invite neighbors. We have a few flyers available at the Welcome Center but I want to encourage most of you to download it from the church family website . All members have received an email to complete a skills profile. If you're a member and did not receive this email, update the church office with ...

Feeling Secure in a Troubled World, Serve Thy Neighbor, Skills Profile (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/18)

The next Bible Study series, "Feeling Secure in a Troubled World," starts on this Wednesday at 7:00pm. Join us for this exciting new series! Don't miss the opportunity to be missional in your neighborhood by participating in Serve Thy Neighbor . Very shortly we'll send out an email to all members to complete a skills profile. By God's grace, He has blessed this church with a lot of talent and skills so we want to know what those skills are in order to utilize them for the benefit of our church body and to the glory of God. So I encourage everyone to please fill out the profile.

Why Lent?, Important Ecuador Meeting, Men's Movie Night (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/11)

I hope that everyone's Lent is going well.  One of reasons we participate in Lent is that it's a great reminder that all of our Christian life is about denying self.  As our bodies desire that food or activity, we deny it.  Likewise, we are to deny our sinful and selfish desires daily to follow Christ.  May our fasts during Lent remind us of our daily need to deny self, take up our cross, and follow Christ. Don't forget to sign up and participate in Serve Thy Neighbor .  Don't miss the opportunity to be missional in your neighborhood by serving others. The next Ecuador Info Meeting is tomorrow (3/12) at 6:30 at Cary COG .  If you are even remotely considering going to Ecuador, then please plan to attend this meeting. You will need to bring your $100 deposit and copy of your passport.  Even if you decide later that you cannot go, the $100 deposit would go towards the mission trip (a worthy investment). Men, join us for a movie night on Friday....

Serve Thy Neighbor, Ecuador Mission Trip, Praise Report (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/4)

We only have 7 families signed up for Project: Serve Thy Neighbor. But God has called to serve others. So I want to encourage everyone to step up and sign up to support this initiative. Many of our long time members know Marche Smith (son of Sis. Sandra Smith). He's a member of Christ First Christian Fellowship Center and will be delivering his initial sermon today. Christ First will be having this service at Mt. Zion at 4pm. The next Ecuador information meeting will be 3/12 at Cary Church of God .  I would love to have a great team of people from Mt. Zion to go to Ecuador this year.  As you can see in this video , the hotel that we stay at in Ecuador is quite nice so you will not be "roughing it" while there.    We have a praise report that the church has gotten an extension from the bank. God answered our prayers!  Now the next three months are going to be critical for us to make budget.  Thanks to all who sacrificed to give more.  We are ...