If you have completed the book Radical, then you will know that there is a year long radical experiment discussed at the end. Mt. Zion will be doing this radical experiment during 2011.
There are five parts to the experiment:
1) Pray for the entire world. Pray for specific needs among the nations. We will be using Operation World as our prayer guide to pray for every nation.
2) Read through the entire Word. Get through the entirety of Scripture in one year. We recommend the following reading plan to take us from Genesis to Revelation: Canonical Reading Plan.
3) Sacrifice money for a specific purpose. We should put a cap on our spending so that we can give more. Give to the church for ministry, give more to love offering, give toward mission trips, etc.
4) Spend time in another context. Whether it's overseas for a short term mission trip or the soup kitchen downtown, we must go and be with people who aren't like us. We are planning two mission trips during 2011: Ecuador and Haiti.
5) Commit our lives to multiplying communities. Be a part of a local church that is growing, making disciples and sending people out. Serve faithfully and pray fervently for it. And if you're not in a ministry, get into one.
We are developing a website to help us stay on track with our radical experiment.
After reading the book, Radical, and listening to the Radical sermon series, I pray that this experiment will help us take the message of Radical from the head to the heart.
As David Platt writes in Radical...
"Will you take the challenge? In light of all that we have seen, will you take these practical steps to break out of the American dream and to begin abandoning your life to a radical gospel? Consider what you might feel after a year of being intimately exposed to the heart of God for every nation in the world. Contemplate what you might know about the glory of God after a year of listening closely to his voice. Think of all the possessions you have now that you would realize you do not need, and think of all the dire needs that would be met as a result of your sacrifice of them. Wonder about where God might lead you...near or far, to a reached people or maybe to an unreached people who have never heard the gospel until they meet you. Reflect on the community of faith that would surround you as you find yourself in relationships that are the primary avenue through which your life will impact the world."