As announced at our last Church Family Meeting, we are changing our shepherding modeling from last names to zones. Beginning in August, we will transition to Shepherding Zones. There will be 4 zones and each member is assigned to a zone based on your zip code.
Each zone has a team of deacons and ministers assigned to care for the members. You can determine which zone you are in by looking under the Shepherding Ministry section on our Contacts page.
Here are some benefits we see in moving to zones...
1. The zones will allow us to connect Family C.A.R.E and access to the members with visits, calls, emails, fellowships, and study groups.
2. This will allow gifts, skills, and resources within the zone to be utilized within the church and zone.
3. Quicker response to members since deacons live in the same zone as the members.
4. One on one contact will still be available between member and deacon.
5. Deacons will research to find Christian and non-profit organizations that can assist members in need.
6. We will be able host events in our homes that will allow us to reach out to neighbors and community members that may not be saved so that the Gospel can be shared. That can eventually led to them to participating in a church or our church.
7. Deacons will encourage zone members and deacons to attend and support key events of the children within our zone.
8. Attend key events within our community and areas that may be beneficial with a Christian presence.