The next Adult Bible Study series, "The Kingdom and Our Culture" will begin on Wednesday, July 7th, at 7:00pm. Please join us for this new series.
The next "How to Study the Bible" class will begin on Wednesday, July 7th, at 7:00pm.
NEW MEMBERS: You are the guests of honor at our next Pastor's Tea scheduled for Friday, July 9th, at 7pm. If you joined anytime in the last year, please join us for an evening of fellowship and fun! Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
The Mt. Zion Church family is invited to join Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church (Youngsville, NC) in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of their pastor, Rev. Patrick Clay on Sun. July 11th, at 4:00pm.
The next "How to Study the Bible" class will begin on Wednesday, July 7th, at 7:00pm.
NEW MEMBERS: You are the guests of honor at our next Pastor's Tea scheduled for Friday, July 9th, at 7pm. If you joined anytime in the last year, please join us for an evening of fellowship and fun! Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
The Mt. Zion Church family is invited to join Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church (Youngsville, NC) in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of their pastor, Rev. Patrick Clay on Sun. July 11th, at 4:00pm.