Fathers, as prophet of our homes, we should be bringing the Word of God to our families. Join me in redeeming this summer by reading through the Gospel of John with our children. If you have really small children, you can read to them, but if you have older children, they can read it with you. Then spend some time discussing what you read. The point is to spend quality time with your children and Jesus as He is revealed in John's Gospel.
Here's the Gospel of John summer reading plan...
Week of 6/20: Chapters 1, 2
Week of 6/27: Chapters 3, 4
Week of 7/4: Chapters 5, 6
Week of 7/11: Chapters 7, 8
Week of 7/18: Chapters 9, 10
Week of 7/25: Chapters 11, 12
Week of 8/1: Chapters 13, 14
Week of 8/8: Chapters 15, 16
Week of 8/15: Chapters 17, 18
Week of 8/22: Chapters 19, 20, 21