New Series, Men's Prayer Breakfast, Mark Calendar for HUGE announcement (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/10)
We kicked off a new Bible Study series, "When We're Afraid to Forgive," on Wednesday. If we long to receive mercy, why is it so painful to give it? Join us for this new series.
The Men's Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for this Saturday from 8:00am to 10:00am. All men are invited and bring a friend.
Mark your calendar for the first Church Family Meeting on January 25th at 7pm. We have a HUGE announcement and will discuss other cool initiatives. You will not want to miss it!
The Men's Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for this Saturday from 8:00am to 10:00am. All men are invited and bring a friend.
Mark your calendar for the first Church Family Meeting on January 25th at 7pm. We have a HUGE announcement and will discuss other cool initiatives. You will not want to miss it!