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Showing posts from August, 2009

Back to School Jam, September Communion (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/30)

We are hosting a "Back to School Jam" for students in grades K-12 and their parents on Friday, September 11th, at 6:30pm. The program will include drama/skits, activities, and a panel discussion with local school administrators, etc. Refreshments will be provided so please sign up at the Welcome Center so we can get an idea of how many to prepare for. Due to Labor Day weekend, we will not have communion on next Sunday, but on the second Sunday in September. Be safe if you are traveling next weekend. Today's love offering will go to bless the Walden family and others in our church family. Thanks to those who gave generously today.

FPU Preview, "Yet, Praise Him!", Love Offering (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/23)

Imagine yourself debt free! We will be starting the Financial Peace University course on 9/26, but you can catch a free preview of what the course is all about on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. This preview is about 20 minutes long and will explain exactly how the program works, what you'll get out of it, and how it can completely change your life! On Saturday, 8/29 at 4pm, we will be hosting a free Gospel stage play entitled, " Yet, Praise Him! " Everyone is invited to attend and to bring a friend. If you haven't done so yet, please take the current quarterly online survey which ends on August 31st. Copies are also available at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation! Keep in the Walden family in your prayers. Next Sunday, we will take the love offering to bless the Walden family and other members who are in need. So please come prepared to give generously to next Sunday's love offering.

Saved lives, "Yet, Praise Him!", Pray for Walden Family (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/16)

Last Sunday (8/9), we had three people come to Jesus! We continue to celebrate the amazing work that God is doing in the lives of people. We had an incredible time at the Men's Retreat! I've blog about the retreat later. Ladies: the Women's Ministry's "Chocolate and Friends" event on this Friday, August 21st, at 7:00pm. See announcements for further details. Another outreach opportunity, Mt. Zion ministered at Chatham Creek Nursing Home on Sunday at 2:00pm. Deacon Cherry gave an inspirational message and our Men's Choir sang. Mark your calendars: 8/29 at 4pm, Mt. Zion and Gifts of God Ministries Theatre Company is sponsoring a free Gospel play entitled, "Yet, Praise Him!" With sadness I announce the sudden passing of Bro. Douglas Walden on last week (husband of Minister Candice Walden & brother of Sis. Beatrice Fields). His home going service was held on Monday. Please keep the Walden family in your prayers.

Men's Retreat, Quarterly Surveys, Our Trials are Not Always about Us (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/2)

We had a nice time at the Skits & Pizza event on Friday. The skits were performed by our children to some adults. The best part was some of the discussions about the skits (prosperity gospel, diversity in the church, overcoming that annoying sin in your life, and avoiding false accusations. Thanks to the College/Young Adult ministry for sponsoring. All men who are planning to attend the Men's Retreat are asked to meet on tomorrow, August 3rd, at 6:30pm in the Multipurpose Room. Parents of the young men who will be attending the retreat should also be present for additional information and to sign permission slips. All of the parents of teens should have received a letter about an important meeting on August 10th at 6:30pm to discuss some critical things in our Youth Ministry. I also want to extend an invitation to parents of 10-12 years old to attend as well in preparation for your children being a part of the Youth Ministry. Mt. Zion would like to hear from you. We are go...