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Showing posts from March, 2008

Pastoral Emphasis from 3/30

Thank everyone involved with the youth week activities (revival, Saturday's events, and Sunday's contemporary service). We are excited (and angels rejoicing) that one young lady accepted Christ during the revival. Don't forget the play, "The Whole House" , will be hosted at Mt. Zion on Sat., Apr. 5th at 3:00pm. Invite someone to come to the play. Mark your calendars: There will be a seminar about Pre-Paid Legal on 4/19 at 10am. It's so important to have a will and access to other legal services. Also you will learn about a business opportunity with Pre-Paid Legal. I want to thank everyone for your prayers for my family during our time of bereavement. Both my uncle and grandmother are resting in the Lord. My uncle's homegoing service was last Saturday and my grandmother's will be this Saturday. Therefore I will be out of town next weekend. Please pray for my safe travel.

The Veil is Torn (Happy Easter)

How can a person become acceptable to God? How can a person gain access to God, fellowship and commune with Him? How can a person come to know God in a real and personal way—so personal that the person can know that God is looking after and caring for him? Some religions say that God is impersonal therefore you cannot have a relationship with Him. Can a person gain and maintain a relationship with God? Matthew 27:50-51 (NIV): "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split." But a very significant thing happened when Jesus died on the cross: the veil that separated the outer sanctuary (the Holy Place) from the inner sanctuary (the Most Holy Place) was torn. And it was torn from top to bottom. God had to tear it because the veil was sixty or more feet high. The heavy curtain or veil that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy P...

Pastoral Emphasis from 3/23

A big shout out to the men who came out to do some work around the church grounds on Saturday. If you missed out on the work...don't worry...there's more work to be done. Check with our facilities manager, Deacon Johnson, to find out how you can help. It looks like the influence of Mt. Zion is going international. One of our high schoolers, Bro. Brinson Jones, is currently in Japan. Sis. Brandi Hancock along with her band Mixed Water and Shaw University will be singing in Prague, Czech Republic, Budapest, Hungary, Frankfurt Germany, and Vienna. Let's keep Sis. Brandi and the others in our prayers that God would keep them safe as they travel and that they would be a great witness for Christ through their singing. We are partnering with Pastor Robert Mason of Gethesemane True Vine Holiness Church of Raleigh to host the play, "The Whole House", here on Sat., Apr. 5th at 3:00pm. We have some information cards available at the Welcome Center that you can use...

Pastoral Emphasis from 3/16

Thanks to those attended the Home Buying Seminar on yesterday. It was a very informative session. We have a few extra information packets available at the welcome center. I want to remind everyone that we have ministries for everyone to participate in. The Couples Ministry just had a great Couples Café; the Men’s Ministry is having a life study group on Friday; the Women's Ministry is having a "Snacks & a Movie" event on Friday; for our singles, there's a Singles Sip Café every 4th Sunday during Sunday School; and the Youth Ministry will be having youth week activities from the 27th to the 30th (includes revival, Saturday event, and Contemporary service). So I encourage everyone to get plugged into the life of the church and find the ministry that you can be involved in. Westwood Baptist Church in Cary will be having a Drive-Thru Easter event on this Friday and Saturday. Click here for details. Come join us for our Sunrise Service at 6:00am on Easter Sunda...

Pastoral Emphasis from 3/9

For those that attended the Discipleship Training, there are two sign-up sheets at the Welcome Center: one to provide your email address if you want a soft copy of the presentation (let's save some trees) and another if you would like to a disciplemaker of new believers that join our church. Don't forget that the Couples Ministry is sponsoring a marriage event entitled "Marriage in the Image of God" on Mar. 14th. Please join us and invite other couples in the community We will also be having a Home Buying Assistance Seminar on Saturday, March 15th from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Come out and get some vital information about owning your own home. Everyone is invited to attend. For our members, if you are a realtor and would like to provide your contact info at the seminar, please submit it to the church office by Wednesday.

Pastoral Emphasis from 3/2

Part 2 of the Discipleship Training will take place on Sat., March 8th from 8am to 10am in the Multipurpose room. Please read chapters 9-13 of Disciplemakers' Handbook. If you signed up for this training but did not make it to part 1, you can still attend part 2. The Health & Safety Ministry is sponsoring a Health Seminar on Saturday starting at 10:30am called Wellness 101 . Please come out to be informed about ways to get and stay healthy. Volunteers are greatly needed for the Transportation Ministry. We are looking for responsible drivers with a cheerful personality. We will develop routes into the community to pick up members needing transportation. Eventually, we will coordinate with the College Ministry to provide transportation to church for local college students. Couples Ministry is sponsoring a marriage event entitled "Marriage in the Image of God" on Mar. 14th. Please join us and invite other couples in the community.