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Showing posts from October, 2007

Pastoral Emphasis from 10/28

Don't forget about our sick & shut-in. Keep them in your prayers. The names are available on our website and on the church bulletin board. The Couples Ministry is sponsoring a fundraiser for their 2008 Fall Retreat. By purchasing a ticket for Langston Hughes' Gospel Musical, "Black Nativity", 50% of the sales will go to the ministry. The musical is December 21, 2007. Pick up flyer at the Welcome Center for more details. The 2007 Thanksgiving Assistance Program ends Sun., Nov. 4th. This program is designed to offer assistance to families in our church and community during the holiday season. Our goal is to provide assistance to 50 families. Please stop by the Welcome Center for more details and to fill out a form. The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (10/29) at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present.

Pastoral Emphasis from 10/14

Parents: For your convenience, you only have to register/sign in their children when you bring them to Sunday School each Sunday. Your child will remain in class for children's church and you do not need to sign them in again. If you don’t make it to Sunday School, then you will need to register/sign in child before attending the worship service as usual. Remember, all parents need to sign their children out of children's church. We are starting a new Bible Study series entitled "The End of Time", on this Wed., Oct. 17th at 7:00pm. Ladies, don't forget about the upcoming Women's Conference entitled "Rip off the Mask" on October 19th – 21st. We are doing a new program for Thanksgiving called the Thanksgiving Assistance Program. It's starting now and ends Sun., Nov. 4th. We will be assisting 50 families with a food card. We are asking for members to make a monetary donations. You can put your donation in with your other offering just in...

Pastoral Emphasis from 10/07

What an awesome first service we had at our new location. We thank God for all of our members and guests who came out to celebrate the first service in our new edifice. The service was packed, the overflow room was full, and we ran out of parking spaces! To God be the glory! Our new building should be a place of rich praise, real prayer, and revival power! But more importantly, we should dedicate ourselves and not just the building because we are the church! Other announcements... The Men's Ministry is inviting all men and young men to the Quarterly Prayer Breakfast on Sat., Oct. 13th at 8:00am. The Women's Ministry will be hosting a Women's Conference entitled "Rip Off the Mask" on October 19th - 21st. On that Sunday we will have a women's choir. The cost for the conference which includes meals on Friday evening and Saturday is $45 per person. Registration deadline is October 14th. You can register at the Welcome Center. Sacrificial Giving Campaign: Cur...


There's a saying "if you don't know where you came from, you won't know where you are going". The Bible says in Deuteronomy 32:7a (The Message): "Read up on what happened before you were born; dig into the past, understand your roots." Mt. Zion began in the mid 19th Century with settlers from various parts of the state. In 1867, a wood frame church was built on Ferrell Street near the present King’s Wood Elementary School. This structure was given the name Mount Zion Baptist Church, which became a charter organization in the Cary community. In 1918, Rev. Elmo Jones became the first pastor. Rev. Jones moved the church to its current site on the corner of Chapel Hill Road and Academy Street by building another wooden frame church. Spring forward to 1979 when Rev. Dr. J. Allen Lewis becomes Mt. Zion's seventh pastor. Pastor Lewis brought many renovations including installation of stained glass windows, a steeple, baptismal pool, and the buil...

Pastoral Emphasis from 9/30

Well, we had our very last worship service at our old location (8500 Chapel Hill Road) on Sunday at 4pm. The Mt Zion Mass Choir was simply awesome. I preached from Joshua 4 on the topic, "Never Forget How You Crossed Over". We had an amazing time celebrating what God has done for us at our old location and looking forward to what God will do when we relocate to our new facilities. If you were there, tell me what you thought about the last service. Our Building Dedication/Open House for the new church is Saturday, Oct. 6 starting at 10am. First service at the new location (316 Allen Lewis Drive) is Oct. 7 (Sunday School at 8:30am and Worship Service at 9:45am). I remind all of our members to please be considerate of our new neighbors and use Evans Road to enter. Click here for directions. Our parents and teens have completed the Pray21 campaign. This week should have helped the teens understand that becoming what God wants can be painful. Expect hard times but ...