Pictures from my 5th anniversary banquet and celebration are available from our photo gallery.
The next Bible Study series, “Rising Above the Level of Mediocrity: A Commitment to Excellence,” will begin on Wed., Aug. 15th at 7:00pm. We invite everyone to come join us for this important series as we strive to do our very best in all areas of ministry.
Parents, the Youth Ministry will be holding their quarterly Youth Ministry Open House on tomorrow at 7:00pm. I will be presenting some important information to the parents at the beginning of the meeting. Also, parents of preteens (9-12) are welcome to come as well.
Ladies: We are visiting the Helen Wright Center on Thurs., Aug. 30th and need you to help serve a meal to the residents of this center. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you would to help serve. Also, next Sunday’s love offering will go towards preparation of this meal.
All women are invited to attend the next Women's Fellowship on Fri., Aug. 24th from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm at the American Legion Building across from the church.
The Fall '07 session of the Spiritual Enrichment course is scheduled for Sept.16th - Dec. 16th during the Sunday School hour. Spiritual Enrichment is a follow-up course to the New Members class. The deadline to sign-up is Sept. 9th. The sign-up sheet is located on the church bulletin board. I encourage everyone who has not taken this course to attend.
The next Bible Study series, “Rising Above the Level of Mediocrity: A Commitment to Excellence,” will begin on Wed., Aug. 15th at 7:00pm. We invite everyone to come join us for this important series as we strive to do our very best in all areas of ministry.
Parents, the Youth Ministry will be holding their quarterly Youth Ministry Open House on tomorrow at 7:00pm. I will be presenting some important information to the parents at the beginning of the meeting. Also, parents of preteens (9-12) are welcome to come as well.
Ladies: We are visiting the Helen Wright Center on Thurs., Aug. 30th and need you to help serve a meal to the residents of this center. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you would to help serve. Also, next Sunday’s love offering will go towards preparation of this meal.
All women are invited to attend the next Women's Fellowship on Fri., Aug. 24th from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm at the American Legion Building across from the church.
The Fall '07 session of the Spiritual Enrichment course is scheduled for Sept.16th - Dec. 16th during the Sunday School hour. Spiritual Enrichment is a follow-up course to the New Members class. The deadline to sign-up is Sept. 9th. The sign-up sheet is located on the church bulletin board. I encourage everyone who has not taken this course to attend.