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Showing posts from June, 2023

VBS Success, Speaking at Ebenezer Church (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/25)

Vacation Bible School was a great success this year! Thanks to all who came out and participated in VBS. And a BIG SHOUT-OUT to the VBS planning committee for all their hard work.   I had the wonderful privilege of preaching for Ebenezer M.B. Church 's Minister Ordination service today. The pastor, Dr. Cornelius Battle was so gracious to me. The Male Choir accompanied me and did a wonderful job. There's no quite like hearing men singing praises to God. I preached from Amos 7:7-16 about the Opposition to the Message and the Messenger . I thank God for the grace to serve this congregation with God's Word.  

VBS, Speaking at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Happy Father’s Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/18)

Congratulations to Phillip & Jakayla Credle on getting married yesterday! We welcome Sis. Teresa C. Gaddy who recently joined the church on Christian Experience. VBS starts this Wednesday, June 21st through Friday the 23rd, 6PM to 9PM each night. Then on next Sunday, we'll have our VBS wrap-up during the church service. Right after the service, stick around for a Family cookout. To each of our Mt. Zion families, please feel free to bring your favorite dessert to share Come dressed comfortably in your VBS T-shirts and jeans.  Don't eat too much at the cook-out because later that afternoon, I will be speaking at Ebenezer M.B. Church in Durham at 4pm for their Ministers Ordination Service. The Male Choir will be accompanying me. All are welcome to come out. Your prayers and support is appreciated.  Mt. Zion is blessed to have men who are taking responsibility for their children.  Mt. Zion is blessed to have men who are following God.  Mt. Zion is blessed to have ...

Youth Day, JA Lewis Scholarship Recipients, VBS (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/11)

Today was our Youth Day service. Our youth led and participated in the service. Gabrielle Harris summarized Creation in Genesis 1, Noah Exum covered Man being made in the image of God in Genesis 2 and Nevaeh Sykes talked about the Fall and our hope in Christ in Genesis 3. Congratulations to our High School graduates : Amare Oliver, Micah Jones, and Laurent Bracey, Jr. I was pleased to announce this year's JA Lewis Scholarship  recipients. The scholarship committee reviewed the submitted essays, and they were written in depth. Each recipient did well academically and has volunteered in school, church, and community activities. This year's recipients are: 2nd Place winner ($500) - Micah Jones   1st Place winner ($1,000) - Amare Oliver   VBS will be running from Wednesday, June 21st through Friday the 23rd, from 6PM to 9PM each night, coming together Sunday, June 25th, at 10am to wrap up our VBS weekend with a Church Family cookout following service. To each of o...

June Birthdays & Anniversaries, Youth Day, Invite Your One (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/4)

Happy Birthday to our June babies... Happy Anniversaries to our June couples...  Our June Senior Birthday Surprise is Sis. Sandra King  Next Sunday is our Youth Sunday . The youth will be presiding and participating in the service. We will have youth speakers. And we will recognize our High School graduates and announce the recipients of our JA Lewis Scholarship.  Next Sunday is also Invite Your One Sunday . This will be a great opportunity to invite others especially those with children to see our youth ministry in action.  Also, next Sunday, Sisters That Pray will be gathering at 8am to pray for our service and each other. All women are welcome to participate.