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Showing posts from February, 2022

Bereavements, Ash Wednesday, Fasting for Lent (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/27)

Please be in prayer for the following people who are experiencing bereavements : Deaconess Shirley Smith (the passing of her sister) Pam Mosley (the passing of her mother) Minister Gerald Vinson (the passing of his grandmother) In March, we'll be having separate Men and Women sessions for Foundation Fellowship . The ladies will be meeting in the MPR and the men will meet in the large classroom 1. For those attending virtually, we'll still be using WebEx (more details will be sent out this week).  My Hope Sunday is 3/13. My Hope Sunday is our outreach Sunday where we ask every member to invite an unbeliever or unchurched person to attend church either in-person or virtually on that Sunday. Praying about who you will commit to invite and have those names ready for next Sunday, 3/6. We'll be praying over those names.  This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of Lent. For Ash Wednesday, we'll be anointing with ashes as a sign of mourning over sin and repenta...

Recently Joined, My Hope Sunday, Growing Through Grief (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/20)

Welcome to the Whiting family who recently joined Mt. Zion: Connie Whiting, her daughter Carla, and Carla's 3-year old daughter, Reign. A survey for the Equip Conference was sent out last week. If you have not done so, please take the survey to help us plan for the conference. We'll end the survey on Friday.  Our next My Hope Sunday will be 3/13. My Hope Sunday is our outreach Sunday where we ask every member to invite an unbeliever or unchurched person to attend church either in-person or virtually on that Sunday. Start praying about who you will commit to inviting and bring those names on 3/6.  Our Growing Through Grief seminar is this Saturday, 2/26 starting at 9am. Our speaker will be Dr. Jamie Mitchell. Sessions will include “Defining Grief”, “How to Mourn and Expressing it with Others”, and “Hope, Healing, and Sharing Grief”. The seminar will be both in-person and live-streamed . Invite someone who you think would benefit from this seminar dealing with various kinds o...

New Members, Virtual Prayer Rally, Happy Valentine's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/13)

Welcome to our newest members who have completed New Members Orientation: Rick and Maureen Holland ! Do you struggle with your prayer life? Do you want to move to the right with how to pray? One of the benefits of corporate prayer is that disciples believers in prayer. Join us for an hour of corporate prayer at our next Virtual Prayer Rally on Tuesday, 2/15 at 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer requests online .  Our next Theological Seminar will be a special one dealing with grief. On Saturday, 2/26 we're having a Growing thru Grief seminar . Sessions will include “Defining Grief”, “How to Mourn and Expressing it with Others”, and “Hope, Healing, and Sharing Grief”. Our speaker will be Dr. Jamie Mitchell. The seminar will be both in-person and virtual. One change regarding virtual is that the seminar will NOT be on WebEx but streamed on Zion Live , Facebook , and YouTube . Invite someone who you think would benefit from this seminar dealing with various kin...

Biblical Principles of Leaving an Inheritance

As Christians, we know that Scripture is our highest authority and applies to all areas of life. So here are four Biblical Principles of Leaving an Inheritance... Principle: God Owns Everything   The foundation on which a Christian’s estate plan is built is the recognition that God is the owner of all. He owns everything...even us. Psalms 24:1-2 (ESV): The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Haggai 2:8 (ESV): The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. Some of you might be thinking, but I’m the one who worked to earn money. So this money and estate are mine. Deuteronomy 8:17-18 (ESV): Beware lest you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.' You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he s...

February Birthdays, Growing thru Grief, Living a Legacy (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/6)

Happy Birthday to all February babies . And those of you who were around when my son Isaiah was born...that was 20 years ago on 2/7!    Our Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Bro. James & Sis. Annie Brice who are both celebrating their birthdays in February. Don't forget to register for our Growing through Grief seminar on Saturday, 2/26 at 9am. Our speaker will be Dr. Jamie Mitchell. The seminar will be both in-person and virtual. Invite someone who you think would benefit from this seminar dealing with various kinds of loss. On 2/12, we're having a Living a Legacy event to present the essentials of basic estate planning and leaving a legacy of faith. You will not want to miss this great opportunity. Register today !