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Showing posts from August, 2021

September Foundation Fellowship & Bible Study, Surprise Recognition (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/29)

I want to remind all of our members to please take our Foundation Fellowship survey . Your feedback is vital to help with our planning.  Starting next Sunday in Foundation Fellowship, we'll be taking a deep look at the Doctrine of Election in our September series, Chosen by God .  Also, on Wednesday, Youth Bible Study resumes and the Adult Bible Study will start studying the book of 2 Corinthians .  When the pandemic started, I had to produce the service and preach from my basement. Thankfully, I had some people to tell me that I shouldn't have to do this by myself. So while all other ministries stopped, we had three individuals that stepped up big time to get the virtual service broadcasted from the church.  Today, we had a surprise recognition for the following from our IT Media Ministry... Deacon Rufus Credle (on his birthday today) Minister Matt Darby Minister Brandi Hancock (on her birthday today) who has gone by so many titles such as... Virtual Service Pro...

We're a Family, Prayer Concerns around the World (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/22)

Let's continue to pray for Bro. Britt Norton after the passing of his wife, Norma (and mother-in-law). You didn't have to know Sis. Norma or know Bro. Britt well to care and check on him. We're must get out of our individualized mindset and remember that we're a family .  Whether we know someone or know them well, if they are members of our church, we should be intentional about being there for each other in good and bad times.  And let us not forget any of our widows and widowers. As we look around the world, we have much to pray for.  Including... Haiti , which was recently hit by a 7.2 earthquake that killed 2,189 lives and counting.  Afghanistan ,  which has taken been taken over by the Taliban. Pray for the civilians especially women, children, and Christians.  The Northeast , that's about to feel the wrath of Henri. I'm not talking about Deacon Spivey but Hurricane Henri.

Prayer & Bereavement, Virtual Prayer Rally, Back to School Prayer (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/15)

We have much to pray for as many of our members are experiencing difficulties and bereavement.  Pray for Sis. Annie Brice who is in the hospital  Pray for Bernard Clark on the loss of his great aunt which is former member, Sis. Regina Jarmon's mother  Pray for Minister Jackie Harrison and family who recently lost her nephew  Pray for Bro. Britt Norton whose wife, Sis. Norma, and mother-in-law passed last week. Bro. Britt gave me permission to share that his wife and mother-in-law died from COVID. Although Bro. Britt had gotten vaccinated, they decided not to. Bro. Britt wants to encourage everyone to consider getting vaccinated if not for yourself, for your family and friends. It's those you leave behind that are impacted.  Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be on Tuesday, August 17th, at 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request online on our Prayer Request Form .  September’s Foundation Fellowship will be on the Doctrine of Elect...

Foundations Fellowship & Bible Study, New Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/8)

Today, Minister Jae Smith challenged us with " What Do You Need to Confess ?" from Joshua 7:16-26 . Public confession of sin brings glory to God and strengthens the church. Don't forget to join us for our virtual Foundations Fellowship and Bible Study . This month, we're looking at Faith and Fear during FF. We're also working through our hybrid setup in the MPR. You are more than welcome to join us in person in the MPR so you'll be here for the start of the service. This month in Bible Study, we're finishing up 1 Corinthians, looking at worship, love, hope, and work.  I'm amazed how last week's and today's sermons have been wonderful lead-ins for our upcoming sermon series. Next Sunday, we dig into Philippians in a series called Unchained Joy ! Despite our situations and circumstances, we can have joy because of our relationship with Jesus. Even when we are bound, we can have unchained joy!

Mt. Zion's Mask Policy Update

  Starting on Sunday, 8/8/21 , Mt. Zion is requiring masks to be worn when inside the building.  In light of the increase in COVID cases due to the delta variant , the CDC recommendations , and the vulnerability of our children who cannot get the vaccine, we will be requiring masks (regardless of vaccination status) while inside the building during worship service and other functions.  Those who are on the platform talking or singing will be able to take off their masks. We ask everyone to love their neighbor enough to wear a mask. The church will continue to provide masks for those who may need one. We have sanitizing stations throughout the church and we've installed a new air filtration system.  Do not let this cause you to be too fearful to come back to church services and to minister to those inside and outside the church. As A.W. Tozer said, " A frightened world needs a fearless Church ". We will continue to be wise and take necessary safety precautions but...

Rejoice & Be Glad In It, VBS Survey, August Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/1)

Evangelist Tayon Dancy preached from Psalm 118:19-24 on "Rejoice and be glad in it".  Psalm 118:24 says "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it". We can rejoice and be glad in “This Day” because it is the day prophesied about when Jesus would make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to become our Savior. He completed His mission on the cross after the entry of “This Day”, and it can never be taken away. We welcome back Sis. Jakayla Allen , who has recently returned to rejoin the church.  Thanks to all who attended VBS . We're asking all attendees to please take this survey to give us feedback.  Happy Birthday to all August babies! Happy Anniversary to our August couples!