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Showing posts from November, 2020

Thanksgiving, Virtual Game Night, Bible Study Resumes (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/29)

I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving ! Even though we may not have been able to gather with family like we wanted or have all the fixings, we still have much to be thankful for! Join us for an evening of fun and games at our first Virtual Game Night on Saturday, December 12, at 6:00 pm. We will play Trivia (with a wide variety of categories). Please register on Realm by December 6 so we know how to prepare.  Don't forget that Bible Study resumes this Wednesday with the second half of Ephesians.

Virtual Game Night, Great Prayers Sermon Series, Happy Thanksgiving (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/22)

Today, Elder Bobby Dunn preached from Isaiah 26:1-4 on the topic " Whom Can We Trust Completely? ". He covered the root of complete trust in God... R -isk Of Trust: Count The Cost  O -bject Of Trust: Jesus  O -utcome Of Trust: Salvation  T -ype Of Trust: Forever Don't forget to join our new Community Bulletin Board group on Realm so you can share important events, accomplishments, prayer requests, photographs, testimonies, scripture, etc. with your church family.  Join us for an evening of fellowship and fun. We will pilot our first Virtual Game Night on Saturday, December 12th, at 6:00pm. We will kick off the night with some ice breakers, followed by a game of Trivia (there will be a wide variety of categories). Please register on Realm before December 6th so we know how to prepare.  As we close out this year with our church theme of " Being a House of Prayer ", our next sermon series will be called Great Prayers . We'll examine a few of the great p...

Sentenced to Life, How should Christians respond after the Election (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/8)

Minister Lydia Amekuedi brought the message today from Genesis 3 entitled "Sentenced to Life...".  The serpent was sentenced to life on the ground. The woman was sentenced to life with painful childbearing. The man was sentenced to life with painful work and toil. But God promised that the seed of the woman would prevail over the seed of the serpent. We will all be sentenced to life. Either we will be sentenced to life in eternal torment and pain, separated from the loving presence of God. Or we will be sentenced to life in eternal joy and happiness in the loving presence of God. What shall we do as Christians when the election is over. Let us not demonize those with who we disagree but show love and honor . If your candidate won, I caution you not to put too much hope in the outcome of the election. And I remind you to show compassion to those struggling with fear over their loss. If your candidate lost, I remind you to not be deflated and give in to fear but trust that ...

What Christians Believe About Their Mission, November Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/1)

Today, we concluded our Christianity 101 series with a message on what Christians believe about their mission from Matt. 28:18-20 .  Since Jesus has the authority to command us, He tells us to go and make disciples. Jesus is NOT making a suggestion. This is the Great Commission , not the Great Suggestion .  Making disciples includes two components: evangelism and discipling . Evangelism is sharing the Gospel with the aim to persuade. Discipling is helping believers in their spiritual walk to be more like Jesus. It's an intentional relationship in which we invest in the lives of other believers to encourage, equip, and challenge one another to grow towards maturity in Christ. We have everything we need to obey Jesus and make disciples because Jesus is with us. So even when you and I fail at evangelism and discipling, Jesus is still there! Aren't you glad about that? He forgives and restores. Let us repent and get started again. Happy Birthday to all the November babies. Happy...