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Showing posts from January, 2019

2018 Contribution Statements, New Series in Job, 2019 Ministry Initiatives (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/27)

Members' 2018 contribution statements are in the Welcome Center ready for pickup. Church leadership will find theirs in their church mailbox. Why is there suffering in the world? If God is loving, how can He allow human suffering? How should we respond to suffering? These questions and more, we'll address in our new series in Job starting next Sunday called "Faithfulness in Suffering". We had our Church Family Meeting right after the service today. We praised God for the things we were able to accomplish last year and looked forward to the new initiatives for 2019: Developing a Disciple-Making Culture : The metaphor is the trellis & the vine. The trellis is a structure that is used to support, to hold up, a vine. The trellis refers to the administrative work within a church, those tasks that, though important, are not actually directly related to discipling people. Vine work, on the other hand, is those tasks of working with the vine, drawing people into...

Bereavements, 1 Thessalonians Bible Study, Baby Dedication (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/13)

Please keep Sis. Wendy Roberts in your prayers for the loss of her sister-in-law and Minister Jaquelyn Harrison for the loss of her brother, Pastor Pat Clay. We've started our new Bible Study series in the book of 1 Thessalonians on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Join us as we look at how we should live holy, love others, and anticipate Jesus' second coming. I also had the wonderful privilege of dedicating Geoffrey and Grybrielle's newest addition to their family, Ashytin Malik Lassiter.

1 Thessalonians Bible Study Series, Suffering Well, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/6)

Big congrats to Min. Brandi Hancock on the release of her debut solo album proclamation: The TRUTH!  Please support her by picking up a copy! Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday, January 9th, at 7:00 pm as we kick off our first Bible Study series of the year with an exploration of the books of 1 Thessalonians. Our church theme for 2019 is "Suffering Well Through Faith in Christ". It speaks to the reality that we will all suffer in some form in this life. It's not IF you will suffer, it's WHEN you will suffer. But how do we respond to suffering? My desire that we would endure suffering well, all to the glory of God! Our next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering is Tuesday, January 8th, from 7 pm to 8 pm. Let's gather corporately and pray together. We have much to pray for! If you are currently going through suffering, I especially encourage you to come out so we can pray for you. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them ...