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Showing posts from April, 2017

Elder-led Prayer, History of Black Church Seminar, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/23)

Everyone is invited to join us for Elder-led Prayer on Wednesday, April 26th, from 6 to 7 pm. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box on the table at the back of the church, use the Connections card, or submit them online . Also on Wednesday at 7pm, we continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. We'll be looking the priorities of a disciple. Following Jesus means living a life that reflects His character and priorities. Thanks to all who came out yesterday to our Theological Seminar on the History of the Black Church. If you missed it, I'd definitely encourage you to watch it from our archive or order a CD or DVD . We have extra notes from the seminar at the Welcome Center. Professor Walter Strickland mentioned that he is working on turning this presentation into a book. In addition he is also republishing the book "Plain Theology for Plain People" by 19th-century black pastor and educator Ch...

History of the Black Church Seminar, Join us for Easter Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/9)

On Wednesday, we continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. We'll be looking what did Jesus do. Jesus is worth following because only He can solve our deepest problem (which is spiritual not material). Do you know about the theological influences that helped shape the black faith? The history of black Christianity is a miraculous story that is often overlooked in accounts of the American church. Mt. Zion and LAMP Seminary RDU are co-sponsoring our next Theological Seminar on the History of the Black Church on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00am to 11:15am. Walter Strickland, SEBTS , will be presenting. This story is not just for black Christians, but for all of God’s people because knowing one another’s stories is an act of love that is the groundwork for reconciliation. Please register for the seminar online at . Today is Palm Sunday which marks the start of Jesus' last week before His death. As Jews were gathering to celebrate the Passover, J...

The Journey Vol. 2, Ordination Service, Clarification on the Old Covenant (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/2)

Mark your calendars for our next Theological Seminar on 4/22 starting at 9am. We have Professor Walter Strickland from SEBTS returning to give us the History of the Black Church. You will not want to miss it! Please register here . On Wednesday, we start volume 2 of our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Our first session will look at who is Jesus. When we have a proper understanding of who Jesus is, we'll see that He is worth following. You can purchase your volume 2 book for $4 from Deacon Johnson. Sunday at 4pm, we had an ordination service for Elder Roderick Harrison, Ministers Matt Darby, Rasheeda Oliver, and Evangelist Barry Singleton. Pastor Larry Snead preached the ordination message from Ephesians 4:1-6 on "Walk Worthy of Your Calling". We praise God for these individuals God has called to serve His church. After today, we're going to take a little break from the book of Mark. We'll resume in May. Also, I want to clarify something about the ...