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Showing posts from April, 2016

Blood Drive, The Hidden Hand of God, Partnering with OCA (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/24)

On Saturday, April 30th, from 9:00am - 2:00pm, Mt. Zion is partnering with the Deltas and the Omegas to collect 40 pints of blood for a blood drive. Sign up today to donate at 1800-Red Cross or . Use sponsor code: Mt. Zion.  See Sister Tracy Downing for more information or grab a flyer at the Welcome Center. We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile against God and His Word. Many want to ignore the Bible by saying that it was written by man. As Christians, we must be equipped to addressed some of the objections and questions about the Bible.  Join us for our upcoming FREE theological seminar on Saturday, May 7th, from 9:00am to 11:15am. Dr. Ben Merkle, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary , will be teaching on "How We Got the Bible & Why It Can Be Trusted." Come out and learn about this important topic. Light refreshments will be served. Please register for the seminar online . Next Sunday, we're starting a new sermon series o...

Opportunities to Serve, Speaking at NDFC, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/17)

Please check the announcements in the bulletin, on our church bulletin board, or on our website . We have a lot of opportunities for you to get involved in serving others and outreach. Are you bearing much fruit? Another opportunity to serve at Brown Bag Ministry with the Devoted Disciples Youth Ministry on Saturday, April 23. For more information, contact Sister Tracy Downing.  This afternoon, everyone is invited to join Zone 2 members to minister at Cary Health & Rehab Center at 1:45pm.  On Thursday, April 21st, I will preaching at New Dimensions Fellowship Church with Pastor Maurice Wright for their 12th Church Anniversary at 7:30pm. Our Gospel Choir will be accompanying me. Everyone is invited to the service. See the bulletin for the address. I would appreciate for your prayers and support. Have you ever wondered how we got the Bible? Why 66 books? And what's up with those missing verses in some translations? Join us for our upcoming theological seminar ...

The Lamb of God Bible Study, Zone 1 Meeting, Brown Bag Ministry (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/10)

Join us for our current Bible Study series, The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus on Wednesdays at 7pm. We've been looking at the plaques and passover. We'll see how Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Zone 1 Members: Gathered in Adult Classroom 3 after church today to meet, greet, and find out the what's happening in their zone. If you live in Zone 1 and missed the meeting, check with your deacons in Zone 1 to get updated.  Zone 1 deacons are Fortenberry, Hardaway, Corey Smith, and Spivey. Please join the Children's Ministry as they serve at the Brown Bag Ministry on Saturday, April 16th. You may assist with lunch preparation, serve lunches at Oak City Outreach Center, or donate hygiene items. We encourage families to volunteer together. I challenge fathers to lead their families in serving and doing outreach. For more information, contact Evangelist Tayon Dancy or Sister Daureen Richards. Flyers are available at the Welcome Center.

Spruce Up Stats, Seeing Jesus in Exodus, Congrats to Gerald & Theresa Vinson (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/3)

Thanks to all who came out yesterday to clean the church. We had one of our most successful Spruce Ups. Every area of the church was cleaned!  Here are some stats from the Spruce Up... 45 participants  1 visitor  19 members from leadership  86.06 hours worked  With our standard $25.00 per hour, we saved an equivalent of $2,151.66! Our theme for Bible Study this year is Seeing Jesus in the OT. Currently, we've started a new series called The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus. It's not too late to join us on Wednesdays at 7pm for this series. Congratulations to Minister Gerald Vinson and Theresa Liverman on getting married today.