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Showing posts from March, 2011

Next MZ Town Hall - 4/2 at 9am

Our next Town Hall meeting is Saturday, 4/2 at 9am. Submit your questions in advance!

Radical Experiment Update, Next Town Hall Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/27)

Thanks to everyone who attended our first Theological Seminar on yesterday. It was a great success and we look forward to hosting more in the future. Radical Experiment 2011 Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1-3 Today's Country: Cameroon (54% Christian) Serve in another context: Ladies: We will be serving dinner to the ladies at the Helen Wright Center on 3/31. See the announcement for how you can be involved. Our next Town Hall Meeting is this Saturday, April 2nd, at 9:00am. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A regarding the church, vision, mission, direction, etc. Click here to see how to submit your questions in advance.

FREE Theological Seminar: Finding the Will of God

How do you discover the Will of God?  Is it based on having a tingly feeling down your spine?  Join Mt. Zion for our first FREE Theological Seminar   on the topic, "Finding the Will of God," on Saturday, March 26th, at 9:00am.  Our speaker will be Dr. William Barber, Professor of Practical Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary.  Please register online so we will know how many to prepare for. Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Register for Theological Seminar, Love Offering for Japan (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/20)

Register today for our first Theological Seminar on the topic, "Finding the Will of God," on Saturday, March 26th, at 9:00am. Our speaker will be Dr. William Barber, Professor of Practical Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Judges 6-7 Today's Country: Brunei in Asia (65% Muslim; 11% Christian) Serve in another context: Mt. Zion ministered at Phoenix Assisted Care today at 2:00pm. I found this amazing. Another demonstration that God is Lord over all creation. The massive earthquake that struck northeast Japan on March 11 has shortened the length Earth's day by a fraction and shifted how the planet's mass is distributed. A new analysis of the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan has found that the intense temblor has accelerated Earth's spin, shortening the length of the 24-hour day by 1.8 microseconds, according to geophysicist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasad...

Why We are Praying for the Nations (Radical Experiment 2011)

Pastor David Platt and a small team from his church, The Church at Brook Hills , has recently arrived in India. Platt included the following conversation that he had with a Buddhist monk in a blog post. This literally broke my heart. People walked in c ircles, reciting mantras and spinning prayer wheels, seeking the ever-elusive peace for which they long. In one conversation with a Buddhist monk, I asked him why he did what he did. He said, “Because I want to find peace and rest.” I replied, “How will you find peace and rest?” He answered, “I don’t know; I’m still searching.” This is why we pray for the nations. This is why we pray for our community and neighbors. So many people are lost and desperately searching for peace and rest. Jesus is our peace. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7 ESV) Jesus is our rest. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will...

Why bother with Lent? (from The Mars Hill blog)

Lent is largely a Catholic tradition. So what value does it have for Evangelical Christians today? The following post addresses the history, themes, and practice of Lent and today, Ash Wednesday, and how it can apply and be beneficial for our faiths. By Elliot Grudem and Bruce Benedict The Lenten season often provides Christ’s followers with more confusion than clarity. However, there is benefit to thinking about the themes of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in preparation for Easter Sunday. The Lenten season starts today, Ash Wednesday. For many recognizing Lent, that day marks the first day of a 40-day fast from something. The day before Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”). Many people have at least a day of feasting before the season of fasting. In the minds of many, Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street in New Orleans is a great picture of this: Party up to the last minute before the Lenten season starts. Get ...

Japan Needs our Prayers & Giving

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:20-23 ESV) We live in a fallen, corrupted, sin-cursed world. Natural disasters are a part of creation groaning as in childbirth. Jesus not only came to reconcile sinners back to God, but also to reconcile all things including this fallen world. As Christians eagerly await our redemption with new resurrected bodies, creation is looking forward to its redemption when God will create a new heaven and a new earth . More and more news is coming out about the devastation in Jap...

First Theological Seminar, Pray for Japan (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/13)

How do you discover the Will of God? Is it based on having a tingly feeling down your spine? We are proud to announce our first Theological Seminar on the topic, "Finding the Will of God," on Saturday, March 26th, at 9:00am. Our speaker will be Dr. William Barber , Professor of Practical Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary . Sign up online or at the Welcome Center kiosk today. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Joshua 9-11 Today's Country: Bosnia (54% Muslim; 41% Christian) Ecuador Mission Trip: The 3/7 deadline has passed but you can still submit your application this week (after this week, the cost for the trip increases). Stop by Cary Church of God to pick up application form. By now, we have all heard about and seen some of the devastation in Japan from the 8.9-magnitude earthquake & resulting tsunami . It is said to be a 100 times worse than what happened to Haiti. So next Sunday's Love Offering will be for Japa...

Prayer & Fasting for Lent '11

Mt. Zion as a church family will be fasting for the Lent season which begins on tomorrow (3/9) on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday (before Easter). Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline. As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ. Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up. We ask everyone to join us for a partial fast for Lent. There are 40 days in Lent (not counting the Sundays). A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence. The Bible tells us that Daniel abstained from bread, water, and wine for 21 days ( Daniel 10:3 ). Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, and hobbies. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection. Also, we will anoint with ashes for Ash Wednesday right after Bible Study tomorrow (around...

Ecuador Decision Meeting, Ash Wednesday & Lent (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/6)

Radical Experiment 2011 Today's Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 21-23 Today's Country: Belgium Ecuador Mission Trip: Monday, 3/7 is the decision meeting at Cary Church of God at 6:30pm. If you plan to go on this trip then you must attend this meeting. $100 non-refundable deposit due and you will register with the team you want to serve with. The Lent season begins on Wednesday ( Ash Wednesday ) and ends on Holy Saturday (before Easter). Right after Bible Study (around 7:50pm), we will anoint with ashes. We ask everyone to join us for a partial fast (give up something) for Lent. There are 40 days in Lent (not counting the Sundays).