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Showing posts from November, 2008

Pray for India, Opportunities for Growth & Fellowship (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/30)

I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving (and didn't eat too much or hurt yourself on "Black & Blue" Friday. It's truly sad when people are more concerned with possessing material things than valuing the life of someone else (a worker at Wal-Mart, who was trying to do his job, was trampled to death in NY ). And while we were celebrating Thanksgiving, people were dying from terrorist attacks in India . Please keep those affected by these senseless acts in your prayers. And let us stop the sinful complaining about what we didn't have for Thanksgiving or those deals we didn't get on Friday when we were blessed not to be facing terrorist attacks. Please take advantage of opportunities for growth and fellowship at Mt. Zion . There's Sunday School at 8:30am; Prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7pm; Bible Study on Wednesday evenings (the current topic in the Adult class is "So You're Dead…Now What?") and Thursday mornings at 9am.

Thanks + Giving

Thanksgiving is made up of two words: "Thanks" and "giving". Obviously during this holiday, we should give thanks for our many blessings. But not only should "thanks" be a part of our holiday, but we should also include "giving". Give to your local church, give to your favorite charity, give to a local shelter or food bank. Give of your time to visit a nursing home, give of your time to feed the hungry, give of your time to help those in need, give of your time to pray for others. So this Thanksgiving, don't just be thankful for your blessings, but be a blessing to someone else. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Schedule, Digital Converter Boxes (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/23)

Please note: We will have Prayer Meeting on Tuesday, but no Bible Study this Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. And no MCON (Mt. Zion Community Outreach Night) on Thursday evening. Digital TV transition: On Feb. 17 2009, TV stations will stop broadcasting in analog and switch to 100% digital. See my previous post for details. If you need to purchase a digital converter box, now is a good time. You must order your coupon by Dec. 31. CompUSA currently has one for $40 (therefore it will be free with the coupon). I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Give thanks to God for His many blessings.

'So You're Dead...Now What', Fruit Sale Delivery (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/16)

We are starting our next Bible Study series, "So You're Dead...Now What?" on this Wednesday at 7:00pm. Join us for this 4-part video teaching series as we examine what happens after you die. Please note: Bible Study will not be held on Thursday mornings, November 20th and 27th, and on Wednesday evening, November 26th, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. For those who purchased fruit during our Fruit Sale, the fruit is due to be delivered on Nov 19, between 10am and noon in Adult Classroom 3. All fruit need to be picked up on the 19th between 4pm-8pm so that none will be left in the classroom.

There is no TRUE change apart from God

We are in the midst of history as the first African-American is elected president of the U.S. As believers we must pray for Obama and our other elected leaders. We cannot ignore the fact that Obama's views on abortion and support for same-sex marriage do not align with the Word of God. 1 Timothy 2:1-6 (NLT): "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity - the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time." There is no true change apart from God. Do not put your trust in any man, but in Jesus Chri...

Super Suppers, Top 5 Things I learned from "One Body" Fun Night (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/2)

If you did not do early voting, I encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday. Exercise your right. After the election, despite who wins, we are to pray for our elected officials. Ladies, you are invited to participate in a morning of fun, fellowship, and service at Super Suppers of Cary on Saturday, November 8th from 9:00am to 11:00am. You will prepare meals for our sick and shut-in members. Click here for more details. If you missed the "One Body" Fun Night on Friday, you missed a great time of fun and fellowship. Here are the top 5 things I learned from "One Body" Fun Night: #5 – 100 people surveyed for church family feud do not know that Adam is a person in the book of Genesis #4 – There's a book of Moses somewhere in the Bible #3 – For earning his team 0 points, Doug earned the nickname "Pepsi Zero" #2 – Pastor Harris should stick with preaching and not join the dance ministry #1 – We learned how to sign, "We are Mt. Zion" Th...