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Showing posts from November, 2006

Pastoral Emphasis from 11/26

Please support the Men’s Ministry Winter Coat Drive to benefit homeless and needy children, young men and adults in the Triangle Area. The coat drive will run through Sun., Dec. 17th A prayer breakfast,“Maximizing the Power of Prayer in Your Life”, presented by the Women’s Ministry is scheduled for Sat., Dec.9th at 8:30am. I'm so happy to announce our preliminary report on how we did on Commitment Sunday. Our goal is to raise $312,500 and we received vows for $369,648.00! Praise God. And I know there are more vows to come since some families were traveling on Commitment Sunday. Plus the Sacrificial Giving Offering we raised was $47, 868.95. What a great start. I thank you for your obedience to God and stepping out in faith to make your vow. But this is just the beginning. We must now fulfill our commitments over the next year. If you didn't get to a chance to make your vow, you can still fill out your vow sheet and drop in the sacrificial giving offering on Sundays...

Wal-Mart Boycott Lifted

The American Family Association has decided to cancel its efforts of encouraging people to not shop at Wal-Mart this Friday and Saturday after Wal-Mart announced today that it "will no longer make corporate contributions to support or oppose controversial issues". This is great news. Notice how effective it is when you threaten a company's bottom line. Click here for the details. So all of you who love Wal-Mart, line up early on Black Friday...just don't run into a pole .

Wal-Mart Gives $60,000 To Homosexual Group

I'm calling for people to join the boycott of shopping at Wal-Mart on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving to protest Wal-Mart's strong support for the Homosexual agenda. Wal-Mart gave $60,000 to Out & Equal, a homosexual organization pushing the same-sex agenda, including same-sex marriage, in the workplace. In August 2006, Wal-Mart announced a partnership with National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) which includes representation on that organization's corporate advisory council. Wal-Mart will be giving $25,000 annually to the NGLCC, and it has agreed to sponsor two of that organization's conferences. The NGLCC has shown itself to be opposed to the Marriage Protection act. Please join the boycott and sign the online petition . More details can also be found here . Share this info with your family and friends. Also post your comments and let me know what you think about this and other corporations supporting the Homosexual agenda. How can we a...

Pastoral Emphasis from 11/12

We have several new additions to the Photo Gallery : Women'’s Ministry bowling, VBS, Community Festival. Check them out. The Outreach Ministry's annual food drive ends Thurs., Nov. 16th. We need your continued support so please bring your food and monetary donations by the deadline. We are in day 33 of our 40-day fast. This is the home stretch. On Nov. 20th you can resume your normal routine. Next Sunday (11/19), we will have one service at the Senior Center in Bond Park starting at 10:00am. We want everyone to participate in making a vow on Commitment Sunday (11/19). Please write your name legibly on your vow sheet. Because this is a serious and important occasion, we are making our vow before God. It is just as serious as making a wedding vow before God. Please do not make a vow or any form of commitment that you do not intend to keep. In addition to bringing your vow on Commitment Sunday, you will also bring a cash gift, the first portion of what you vowed to give. I wo...

Pastoral Emphasis from 11/5

The evangelistic event, Harvest Crusade is coming to the RBC center on June 22-24 2007. Greg Laurie will be speaking. Mt. Zion will be working with other area churches to support this outreach event. We need a prayer coordinator that will get prayer updates from the Harvest Crusade prayer committee. Preferably someone who regularly attends prayer meeting. Please let me know if you would like to take on this responsibility. The Outreach Ministry’s annual food drive is underway and will continue through Thurs., Nov. 16th. We have 105 families that we want to provide with Thanksgiving baskets, so we need your generous food and monetary donations. Also, next Sunday’s love offering will go towards the Thanksgiving Food Drive. If you have not voted during early voting, I encourage everyone to exercise their right and vote on Tuesday. Wake County Voters’ guides are available here . We are in day 26 of our 40-day fast. We want everyone to participate in making a vow on Commitment Sunday (11/...