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Showing posts from January, 2022

Growing thru Grief, Living A Legacy, Leviticus Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/30)

Registration is now open for our Growing through Grief seminar on Saturday, 2/26 at 9am. Our speaker will be Dr. Jamie Mitchell . The seminar will be both in-person and virtual.  As we think about grieving the loss of loved ones and our own mortality, we should think about the legacy we leave with our family. On 2/12, we're having a Leaving a Legacy event to present the essentials of basic estate planning and leaving a legacy of faith. Registration is open .  Today, we start reading Leviticus in our Daily Bible Reading Plan . Don't “tap out” but pay attention as you read because next Sunday, we start a new sermon series in Leviticus called “ Be Holy For God Is Holy” . We'll see how God requires holiness and graciously provides a way for His people to be sanctified and holy. And it all points to Jesus.  We had our first Church Family Meeting of the year is right after the service today. We reviewed 2021 and set our goals for 2022.

The Gospel & Ethnicity, Church Family Meeting, Growing thru Grief (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/23)

Next Sunday we wrap up our Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Culture topic in Foundations Fellowship with the Gospel and Ethnicity . With all of the conversations in our culture about race and racism, how does the Gospel address ethnicity? We'll also examine Critical Race Theory (CRT) in light of Scripture.  We're having our Church Family Meeting next Sunday after the service. Since it's our first one of the year, we'll review last year and our goals and initiatives for this year. All members are asked to attend.    Since the start of the pandemic, there's been a lot of loss and bereavements within our church family. So I'm excited that our next Theological Seminar will address grief called Growing through Grief . Our speaker, Dr. Jamie Mitchell  shared with the congregation that the seminar will cover loss, mourning, and healing.    

New Member Welcome, Virtual Prayer Rally, More Gospel & Sexual Morality (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/16)

Welcome our newest member who has completed our New Members Orientation: Bro. Andre Edwards   Join us for our first Virtual Prayer Rally of the year on Tuesday, January 18th, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them via the Prayer Request form .  Mark your calendars for our Church Family Meeting on Sunday, January 30th after the service. All members are asked to attend.  The plan for next Sunday's Foundations Fellowship was to look at the Gospel and Ethnicity but our discussion about the Gospel and Sexual Morality was so good that we didn't have the time to address of the questions that was raised so we'll continue with this topic next Sunday.  This topic is worth the additional coverage so we'll push the Gospel and Ethnicity out another week. Last week, I sent out some resources to all of our members to help them move to the right: Recommended Resources , Spiritual Gifts Assessment . If you didn't get th...

New Members, The Gospel & Sexual Morality, Update Your Info (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/9)

I'd like to welcome Rick & Maureen Holland who recently joined Mt. Zion on Christian Experience. In Foundations Fellowship this month, we are discussing how to follow Christ in an anti-Christian culture . I highly encourage everyone (especially our youth and young adults) to next Sunday's class as we'll look at the Gospel and Sexual Morality . The culture has so distorted sexuality that we as Christians need to make sure we understand sexuality as God defines it not the culture.  With the new year, it's a great time to make sure your info is update-to-date with the church. If you're phone number, address, email address has changed, please update in Realm . Or you can let the church office know and we'll update it for you.  I hope everyone is enjoying our Bible Reading plan, One Story that Leads to Jesus . If you haven't started, it's not too late.

Youth Service, EQUIP Conference, January Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/2)

Happy New Year! We praise God for allowing us to see 2022.  Our Youth Service (for grades 6-12) will be second, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.  Our Ministers are planning an EQUIP Conference. The topic of the conference is Discipleship. Stay tuned for more details.  Happy Birthday to our January babies... Happy Anniversary to our January couples... This month's Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Sis. Joann O'Neal Johnson!