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Showing posts from March, 2021

Easter Celebration, Palm Sunday, Holy Week Reading Plan (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/28)

Join us for our Virtual Good Friday service on 4/2 at 6:30 pm as we look at Jesus Christ, Our Substitute .  On Saturday, 4/3, we will have a Drive-by Easter Surprise from 11:30 am -1 pm. Drive through our parking lot to receive your surprise. Baskets for children 7 and under. Goody Bags for older Kids. Hot Dogs to go for everyone. Guests are welcome. Please register including your kids and guests so we'll be able to prepare.  On Sunday, 4/4, we'll have a special outdoor Easter service  at 10 am. Join us in-person in our parking lot where you can sit outside or sit in your cars. We will still stream the service online for those not attending in person. We will celebrate Communion on Easter if you're not attending in-person, stop by the church on Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday to pick up communion kits or prepare your items at home.  Today is Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem knowing that He would be tried and crucified and rise f...

Be, Virtual Game Night, Easter Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/21)

Bro. Jae Smith delivered the message today entitled " Be... " from Habakkuk 2:20 . He exhorted us to "Be in the presence of God" and "Be listening to the Holy Spirit". It’s March Madness and we're going to have a little "madness" of our own with a friendly game of Family Feud during our V irtual Game Night on 3/27. Registration in REALM is required for all players. Spots are limited. Only sign up if you are committed to attendance. Guests are allowed. Please register ASAP as this will help the organizers prepare for the game.  Mark your calendars and get ready for our Easter weekend where we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We're having a Virtual Good Friday service on 4/2 at 6:30pm. Since we won't be having our traditional Easter Egg Hunt, we'll be having a Drive-by Easter Surprise on 4/3 from 11:30am-1pm. Drive through our parking lot to receive your surprise. Baskets for children 7 an...

My Hope Sermon & Testimony, Virtual Prayer Rally, Easter Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/14)

Today was My Hope Sunday where our members invited people to tune into the service to hear about the Gospel and our hope in Jesus Christ. Deacon Shaun Johnson shared his My Hope testimony. (email subscribers: click here if you can't see the video) My sermon was on " What is God doing with COVID-19? ".  Now I don't presume to know exactly what God is doing with this pandemic but God has revealed to us some of the things He is doing in this world through His Word. My three major points of what is God doing with COVID-19 are: God is showing us the horror of sin God is giving us a wake-up call for Christ's return God is calling us to repent You check out the full sermon here . I don't know what your experience with the church has been but God intends for the church to be a family. We care for one other, especially during life's difficulties. If you're not a part of a church community, I would encourage you to join one where others can care for you and ...

March Birthdays & Anniversaries, My Hope Sunday, Testimony (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/7)

We're going to take a little break from 1 Peter and we'll be back to our series after Easter on 4/11.  Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating their birthdays in March!  Happy Anniversaries to our March couples. Travis & Laurie Anderson - 3/4 Wendell & Brittany Graham – 2 years on 3/21  Minister Jae & Kelly Smith – 9 years on 3/3 Vernon & Jordan Best – 12 years on 3/7  Zach & Belinda Steele – 12 years on 3/21  Elder Roderick & Minister Harrison – 35 years on 3/30  Earnest & Sandra Smith – 38 years on yesterday  My Hope Sunday is next Sunday. If you haven't done so yet, use the digital invitation to invite your guests to watch the service. Please continue to submit the names of those you're inviting as we'll continue praying for them this week.  To prepare our hearts for My Hope Sunday, we'll be having members share their testimonies about their hope in Jesus. Today, we heard from Sis. Aretha Rice . (email subsc...