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Showing posts from February, 2021

God's Righteousness Revealed, My Hope Sunday, Testimony (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/28)

On Wednesday, we are starting a new section in our study of Romans called God's Righteousness Revealed . In March, we'll cover chapters 8-12 which are doctrinally rich. We'll be looking at the golden chain of redemption, election, God's relationship with Israel and Gentiles, and life transformation. Join us on Wednesdays at 7pm and let's feast on God's Word.  Our next My Hope Sunday will be March 14. Since we're currently in the series “Hope while Enduring Suffering” , let's share that hope with others. My Hope Sunday is where every member is asked to invite at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us for that service. I want you to be in prayer about who you will invite and we'll ask you to submit those names this week so we can pray for them.  To prepare our hearts for My Hope Sunday, we'll be having members share their testimonies about their hope in Jesus. Today, we heard from Deacon Henri Spivey . (email subscribers: click here...

Virtual Game Night, Fasting and Praying during Lent (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/21)

How well do you know your songs? Let’s find out during our next Virtual Game Night on 2/27 featuring lots of Old School Jams. There will be a wide variety of music to test your musical knowledge. The deadline to sign up on Realm is TODAY .  We are in the Lenten season and we’re asking everyone to join us for a church-wide fast. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline. We can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up. And while we're fasting, we must also be praying. Fasting without prayer is just a diet (or giving up something). When we fast and pray, we can grow closer to God.

Welcome to New Members, Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/14)

We recently had two new members who have completed their NMO and elder interviews. Today, I’d like to welcome Sis. Polly Adu and Sis. Joselyne Cepeda   Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be held on Tuesday at 7:00pm on WebEx. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request online .  Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads as a reminder of human mortality. Ashes are also a sign of mourning and repentance to God.  Normally we would anoint with ashes after Bible Study but this year we’ll be doing a drive-thru ash anointing from 12 to 2pm and 4:30 to 6pm . Drive by the front door of the church and one of the elders will be there to anoint you (wearing a mask with gloves or sanitized hands).  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent (40 days excluding Sundays) where we’ll be doing a church-wide fast. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in ...

He Calls Me Friend, Hope while Enduring Suffering (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/7)

Evangelist Tayon Dancy gave a timely word today on being a friend. She preached on the topic "He Calls Me Friend" from John 11:5-8 , 17-37 . During this pandemic, it's more important than ever that we show ourselves to be true friends to others. Happy Birthday to all the February babies! In these dark times, we all need a light. But where do we find hope during trials and difficulties? Next Sunday, we kick off a new sermon series in 1 Peter entitled "HOPE while Enduring Suffering" .  Invite someone to join us as we dig into what 1 Peter says to us today.