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Showing posts from December, 2019

Bereavement, New Year's Eve Service, 2020 Church Theme (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/29)

Our dear brother, Otto Lyons, went home to be with Lord on Friday. The Homegoing service is tentatively scheduled for Saturday. Please keep Sis. Linda and the entire Lyons family in your prayers. Join us and bring a friend to our New Year's Eve service starting at 10pm as we worship together and pray in the new year. Also on New Year's Eve, the Youth Ministry will have a "Watch Night Fellowship" starting at 9:45pm at Sis. Tracy Dunn's home. The youth will have a special time of worshipping God while connecting with one another to bring in the new year. All youth desiring to attend need to RSVP by December 29 at mtzyouthcouncil AT Our church theme for 2020 will be "Being a House of Prayer". We'll be focusing on understanding prayer better and spending more time praying. Next Sunday, we'll start a new series called “When the Church Prays”

Advent Candle of Love, No Bible Study, NYE Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/22)

For the Season of Advent, the Devoted Disciples (Youth Ministry) read John 3:16-19 and lit the fourth and final candle for Love. Jesus’ coming to the world is a picture of a love for us that cannot be measured! In a season that is sometimes filled with not only happiness, but with of grief, pain, loneliness, hoping, and suffering there is much comfort in God’s love. So as you unwrap your gifts on Wednesday, remember the true reason for our celebration. It is not about the new items from your wish list that you will receive. Love is not just shown in the giving of gifts to those we love. Unconditional Love was shown over 2,000 years ago in a manger; the giving of the best gift by God, His Son, Jesus Christ. No Bible Study for the next 2 weeks due to Christmas and New Year's holiday. Bible Study returns on 1/8 with a study on the supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. Mark your calendars for our New Year's Eve service starting at 10pm.

Advent Candle of Joy, Christmas Cantata, Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/15)

For the Season of Advent, the Devoted Disciples (Youth Ministry) read Matthew 2:10-11 and lit the third candle which symbolizes Joy. We can have much joy in the fact that Jesus came as a human to reconcile us back to God. Our joy comes from being in a right relationship with God. Despite the trials and suffering we might be facing this Christmas season we can have joy because Jesus is with us (Immanuel). The joy of the Lord is our strength. Thanks to all who participated in and attended our Christmas Cantata & Pantomime yesterday. The most important thing that happened was the two men who responded to the Good News after the Christmas Program!! One of them is joining the church and was in service today. The other is the youngest son of Sis. Daureen Richards. She had been praying for him to be saved for years! All glory to God! New Dimensions & Pastors Praying Together is having a Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway. We're collecting new unwrapped toys and books for children ...

Advent Candle of Peace, Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway, A Joyful Nativity (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/8)

For the Season of Advent, the Devoted Disciples (Youth Ministry) read John 3:16-19 and lit the second candle which symbolizes Peace.  We often wish for peace on earth during the Christmas season but true peace will not happen until the Prince of Peace returns. Because of Jesus' work on the Cross, we have peace with God because we're not reconciled back to Him. And we also have the peace of God even in the midst of suffering. New Dimensions & Pastors Praying Together is having a Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway . We're collecting new unwrapped toys and books for children of all ages. They will be distributed at the Oxford Manor Community Center in Durham on Saturday, 12/21 from 2- 4pm. All are invited to A Joyful Nativity , our Christmas Cantata & Pantomime about the Birth of Jesus Christ, which will be on Saturday, December 14th, at 3:00 pm.

Advent Candle of Hope, A Call to Prayer & Fasting (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/1)

For the Season of Advent, the Devoted Disciples (Youth Ministry) read Isaiah 9:2 , 6-7 and lit the first candle which symbolizes Hope.  The prophets, like Isaiah, prophesied the birth of Christ. This candle represents the hope and expectation felt in anticipation of the coming Messiah.  Likewise, we have hope because we are anticipating the return of the Messiah. Starting tomorrow (Monday), we're having a church-wide 5 days of prayer and fasting.  Each day, we'll be fasting from particular items, reading and meditating on the indicated Scripture, and spending time in prayer.  Fasting is not way to manipulate God into doing something for you.  Fasting is a spiritual discipline where you deny your flesh something it desires so that you can declare your dependence on God.  Fasting helps to remind us that we need God far more than we even need food or anything else.  We will conclude our time of prayer and fasting with a Prayer Rally on Friday,...