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Showing posts from November, 2019

Week of Prayer & Fasting, Stay Warm Drive Extended, From Ungrateful to Thankful (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/24)

During the week of 12/2, we will have 5 days of prayer and fasting. Each day will have specific scriptures to read and pray over and specific items to fast from. Then on Friday, 12/6, we'll gather for a Prayer Rally at 7pm. Also, we're extending our Stay Warm Drive until Sunday, 12/1. We have a lot of coats but could use more hats, gloves, scarves, and socks. Please continue to bring in your items this week. Today was Youth Sunday and Sis. Tikayla Downing delivered a message from 1 Thess. 5:16-18 with the subject "From Ungrateful to Thankful". Through the Word, she admonished us to rejoice always, keep praying, and give thanks. It's so easy for us to complain but God has given us so much to be thankful for. Ultimately, we can be thankful for Jesus who forgives sinful complainers. As we head into Thanksgiving, let's move from being ungrateful to thankful!

PackHope Event, Blood Drive, Stay Warm Drive (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/17)

Thanks to all who came out to the PACKHOPE event yesterday. It was a wonderful experience to work with others in the community and our brothers & sisters from other churches. I would like to take all of our volunteers who helped with registration, setup, clean-up, and other logistics. And I'd like to especially thank Minister Matt Darby for being our coordinator for this event. Check out the church's Facebook page for some pics from the event. We're hosting a Blood Drive on Saturday, 11/30 from 9:30 am to 2 pm. Diverse blood type donations are critically needed. Our goal is to get 38 donors. You may register on-line or see Sis. Peggy Credle for more information. It's getting cold outside. What a blessing it is to have a warm home to go to daily. Some are not as fortunate and the Youth Ministry needs your help to serve them. Through Sunday, 11/24, we will be collecting hats, scarves, gloves, socks, coats and brand new new born baby clothes for our Stay Warm...

Veterans Day, PackHope Experience (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/10)

Veterans Day is tomorrow where we honor those who have served in the military. We honored the veterans in our service today. We praise God for them and are thankful for their service. Our PACKHOPE event on Saturday, 11/16. Come out and bring your family and friends to help us pack seeds for people around the world. There are three different sessions you can register for at:      * 9:00am – 11am      * 12:00pm-2:00pm      * 2:30pm-4:30pm You can also support this effort with a charitable donation that goes towards the purchase of seeds.

Back from Sabbatical, Prayer, PACKHOPE Event (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/3)

Thank you all for your prayers during my Sabbatical. It was good to take a break. And I had a good visit with my mom and started the process to get her some help. During my Sabbatical, I got confirmation on next year's church theme already. The theme will be on Prayer . We need to get back to prayer...individual prayer, family prayer, and corporate prayer in the church. Jesus said that His church should be a house of prayer. To prepare ourselves, we're going to have prayer and fasting during the week of 12/2. Each day we'll be fasting from something different and it will culminate with a prayer rally on that Friday evening. More details to come. Speaking of prayer, Our next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering will be Tuesday, 11/5, from 7-8pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. You can submit your prayer requests on the church website . We also have Prayer & Testimony Service on Wednesday, 11/6, from 6-7pm. Please join us for our PACK...