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Showing posts from May, 2016

Happy Memorial Day, The Son of David Bible Study, VBS (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/29)

Praise Report: Last week, Elder Lucas had leg surgery for a blood clot. The surgery went well and he is home. Please pray for his recovery and physical therapy. Happy Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is the time to remember those who gave their lives in service to our country. Pray for family who have lost loved one. John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends". Of course, Jesus demonstrated the greatest love that He gave His life for His enemies to make us His friends. Join us on Wednesday at 7pm for our new Bible Study series is "The Son of David: Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books" (like Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, etc.). Attention, Parents: Youth Day Service is on Sunday, June 12th. Many of our young people are participating in leading the service.  J Allen Lewis Choir rehearsal is scheduled on Saturdays, June 4th and June 11th, from 10:00am to 12:00pm, followed by presentation practice u...

Elder-led Prayer, Seeing Jesus in Deuteronomy (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/22)

We were grateful to have the Western Wake Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority worship with us today.  The next Elder-led Prayer will be held on Wednesday, May 25th, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online . After Elder-led Prayer, stay for Bible Study at 7pm. We'll be finishing our current series is "The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy". This Wednesday, we will be looking at seeing Jesus in Deuteronomy.

Service at Brookdale Assisted Living, Seeing Jesus in Numbers, Scholarship Application (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/15)

Zone 1 members will be directing a service this afternoon, at Brookdale Cary Assisted Living (Chapel Hill Road). The Male Choir will be rendering a mini-concert and service will begin promptly at 2:00pm. We are extending an invitation for everyone to attend and worship with the residents and staff.  These are great opportunities to get out into the community to spread the Gospel. Join us for Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7pm. Our theme this year is "Seeing Jesus in the OT". Our current series is "The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy". This Wednesday, we look at seeing Jesus in the wilderness from the book of Numbers. To our graduating HS Seniors: The J.A. Lewis Scholarship application packets are currently available from the church office. The submission deadline is May 29, 2016.

Theological Seminar Presentation, OCA Liaison, Rejoicing & Weeping on Mother's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/8)

Did you miss our theological seminar on yesterday? We recorded it so you can go to our archives to watch and we have some extra copies of the presentation at the Welcome Center or I can email you a copy. Thank you all who gave towards the love offering for Oak City Academy . Because of your generosity, we'll be able to donate $1,000 to their scholarship fund.  Sis. Staci Isaac is going to be our liaison with OCA. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms.  Today is a day of rejoicing and weeping.  We rejoice with you as you celebrate.  But we also weep and mourn.  We weep with those who have lost their mother.  We weep with those who have lost children (some by miscarriages or abortion).  And even if you have aborted a baby, there is forgiveness in Christ.   Christ can remove your shame and guilt.  We weep with those who desire to have children but it has not happened yet.  Trust in the sovereignty of God and know that your self-wor...

Bereavements, FREE Theological Seminar, Worship Ministry Announcements (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/1)

Please pray for the following families who are facing bereavement: The Barbee Family. The Homegoing Service for Bro. Vann Barbee was today at 3pm. Elder Wayne Bullock's mother passed last week and her homegoing service is Monday morning in Virginia.  Sis. Josephine Singleton's father passed this morning.  Have you registered for our FREE upcoming theological seminar? On Saturday, May 7th, from 9:00am to 11:15am, Dr. Ben Merkle, from SEBTS , will be teaching on "How We Got the Bible & Why It Can Be Trusted." Light refreshments will be served. Please register for the seminar online . Worship Ministry Announcements: The age group of the Male and MZ Gospel Choirs is changing from age 18 and older to age 13 and older. This would give our teenagers who desire to sing an opportunity to sing in a choir.  The Male Choir is singing on next Sunday (Mother's Day). I'd like to encourage boys & men, ages 13 and older to come join us at rehearsal on Th...