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Showing posts from December, 2013

Born Again Christians?, New Year's Eve Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/29)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Revelation 6-11 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior , spending time with family, and exchanging gifts. As a church family, we're reading David Platt's “Follow Me” . I hope you are enjoying and being challenged by it. What does it really mean to follow Jesus? So many people say they are Christians but their lives look no different than the non-Christian.                   (Click here if you can't see the video) Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Service at 10:00pm on Tuesday, December 31st. Pastor Cody and New Life Ministries of Apex will be joining us.

Pray for Families Grieving Loss, Holiday Schedule, New Year's Eve Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/22)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Hebrews 7-10  Thanks to all who came out to show your love and support to the Barnett family for the homegoing of Courtney.  Continue to pray for the family as well as others who have lost loved ones recently: Sis. Barbara Smith (loss of mother)  Deaconess Shirley Smith (loss of brother)  Deacon and Sis. Hardaway (loss of niece)  Sis. Brenda Tyrance (loss of husband)  The winner of our Book Giveaway on Facebook: "Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know For Sure You Are Saved" by J.D. Greear goes to Bobby Dunn. Due to the holidays we will not be having elder-led prayer this Tuesday, nor Wednesday evening Prayer & Testimony Service and Bible Study or Thursday morning Bible Studies for the next couple of weeks.  This will give everyone time to be with their families. Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Service at 10:00pm on Tuesday, December 31st.

Follow Me Excerpt, Book Giveaway on Facebook, Donation Raised for Philippines (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/15)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Colossians ,  Philemon As a church family, we are currently reading David Platt's book "Follow Me" .  I hope you are enjoying reading it.  Here's another excerpt from the book... "WHEN FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST share stories of how they became Christians, they often say something along the lines of, "I decided to make Jesus my personal Lord and Savior." Initially and ultimately, of course, it's wonderful to hear brothers and sisters recount the moment when their hearts were opened to the incomprehensibly passionate love of God—a love that now captivates them in an intimately personal relationship with Jesus. At the same time, when I reflect on that particular statement—"I decided to make Jesus my personal Lord and Savior"—I can't help but wonder how much this idea represents some subtly yet significantly dangerous trends in contemporary Christianity.  On one level, this statement m...

Excerpt from "Follow Me", Christmas Program & Dinner, Giving to Typhoon Victims (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/8)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Romans 4-7 As a church family, we are currently reading David Platt's book "Follow Me" . Purchase your copy today and read along with us.  Here's a great excerpt from the beginning of the book... “ Just ask Jesus into your heart. Simply invite Christ into your life. Repeat this prayer after me, and you will be saved .  Should it alarm us that the Bible never mentions such a prayer?  Should it concern us that nowhere in Scripture is anyone ever told to "ask Jesus into their heart" or to "invite Christ into their life"?  Yet this is exactly what multitudes of professing Christians have been encouraged to do, and they've been assured that as long as they said certain words, recited a particular prayer, raised their hand, checked a box, signed a card, or walked an aisle, they are Christians and their salvation is eternally secure.  It's not true.  With good intentions and sincere desi...

Serving Our Community, Helping the Philippines, End the Year Strong (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/1)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 1 Cor. 9-11  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. All Zone "4" Families...on Saturday, December 7, there will be a Community Support activity at With Love from Jesus (Raleigh) from 9:00am to 1:00pm, helping those in our community who are in need! Next Sunday, our love offering will be donated to World Vision to help those in the Philippines who were affected by the devastating typhoon. As of Friday, the death toll has risen to 5,632 with 1,759 others missing. We want to end the year strong in regards to our finances by being in the black for our budget.  So I kindly encourage your faithful and generous giving in this last month of the year.