Pray for Grieving Families, Next Sermon Series, Ecuador Trip Info Packet (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/24)
Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 3-4 Several of our members have had death in their families. Please pray for the Hunter family (passing of Sis. Juanita Hunter's granddaughter), pray for Sis. Cynthia Aldridge (passing of her sister), and pray for Deacon Credle (passing of two aunts). Starting next Sunday, I will be starting a new series called 5 Solas. Check out this video. (click here if you can't see the video) On Tuesday, I will be speaking at St. Mary A.M.E. Church (Apex) at 7pm on the second night of their Revival. Please come out and worship with us. Due to this speaking engagement, there will be no elder-led prayer that evening. Don't forget to submit your idea for an Adult Ministry event by 2/28. Stop by the Welcome Center to submit your idea. If you missed the informational meeting but you are interested in going on the July Ecuador Mission Trip, please get an information packet from Minister Lydia Am...