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Showing posts from February, 2013

Pray for Grieving Families, Next Sermon Series, Ecuador Trip Info Packet (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/24)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 3-4  Several of our members have had death in their families.  Please pray for the Hunter family (passing of Sis. Juanita Hunter's granddaughter), pray for Sis. Cynthia Aldridge (passing of her sister), and pray for Deacon Credle (passing of two aunts). Starting next Sunday, I will be starting a new series called 5 Solas. Check out this video.  (click here if you can't see the video) On Tuesday, I will be speaking at St. Mary A.M.E. Church (Apex) at 7pm on the second night of their Revival.  Please come out and worship with us.  Due to this speaking engagement, there will be no elder-led prayer that evening. Don't forget to submit your idea for an Adult Ministry event by 2/28. Stop by the Welcome Center to submit your idea. If you missed the informational meeting but you are interested in going on the July Ecuador Mission Trip, please get an information packet from Minister Lydia Am...

Wrong Ways to Participate in Lent, Speaking at St. Mary's, Re-issued Giving Statements (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/17)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Leviticus 14-15  Lent came early this year. We are fasting and praying as a church family for Lent.  Now if you have not started, don't's the Good News: the Lent party is a Gospel party! The Gospel does not discriminate against when you got here but only beckons you to come as you are.  So you can start fasting now for Lent.  Now I want to warn everyone that there are some wrong ways to participate in Lent. Fasting because it's Lent and everyone is doing it. Just giving up something does not mean you will draw closer to God.  Fasting to appear devout to others by always talking about what you gave up.  Fasting to manipulate God to do something. Fasting but not praying. Lent is not only about giving up things but about adding things, God-things.   Thanks to everybody who attended our Theological Seminar on yesterday.  I hope that your understanding of Justification has ...

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday

The Lent season begins on this Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday.  We will anoint with ashes after Bible Study.  Anointing with ashes is a sign of mourning over sin and repentance to God. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.  I encourage everyone to fast and pray during the 40 days of Lent. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline.  As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ.  Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up.  We ask everyone to join us for a partial fast for Lent. A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence. Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, hobbies, etc. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection.

Ecuador Info Packets, Register for Theological Seminar, Submit Event Ideas (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/10)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Exodus 33-35 If you missed the first informational meeting for the July Ecuador Mission Trip but you are seriously interested in going, then see Minister Lydia Amekuedi to get an info packet.  If you are concerned about the accommodations in Ecuador, check out this video I made on my first trip. Everybody is invited to attend our FREE Theological Seminar this Saturday, 2/16 from 9 to 11am. Dr. Larry Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be speaking on the 'Doctrine of Justification'. This is an essential doctrine for Christians to understand. Light refreshments will be served. Register TODAY online . Mt. Zion's Adult Ministry needs your input.  Do you have an idea for a ministry event? If so, stop by the Welcome Center to submit your idea.  All submissions must be submitted by February 28th.

Theological Seminar: The Doctrine of Justification

Register HERE

Ecuador Info Meeting, Theological Seminar, Visit to Clarebridge Rescheduled (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/3)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Exodus 13-15 I want to remind everyone that the first informational meeting for the July Ecuador Mission Trip is tomorrow, 2/4 at 6:30pm at Cary Church of God . I highly recommend that you attend this meeting if you have any interest in going.   Our second Theological Seminar is Saturday, 2/16 from 9 to 11am.  Dr. Larry Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be speaking on the 'Doctrine of Justification'.  This is an essential doctrine for Christians to understand.  Light refreshments will be served.  Come out and bring a friend.  Register for the seminar online . Our scheduled visit to Clarebridge Assisted Living on next Sunday is going to be rescheduled. Stay tuned for updated information.