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Showing posts from January, 2013

Church Family Meeting, Haiti Missions Trip Testimonies, Pray for Missing Pastor (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/27)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Genesis 43-45 Tomorrow at 7pm is our Church Family Meeting. All members are asked to attend. We'll give an update on our finances, talk about our ministry priorities for the year, and review some core values for our church. Ladies: The Deaconess' Ministry will be serving the ladies at the Helen Wright Center on Thursday, January 31st. Attendees, meal assistance, and monetary donations are welcome. We praise God and thank those who served as missionaries on the Mt. Zion Haiti Missions Trip Team.  Deacon Rufus Credle, Sis. Nicole Sawyer, and Bro. LeAndre Jackson shared testimonies about God's grace on their missions trip. The Ecuador Mission Trip is July 13-21. The first informational meeting is 2/4 at 6:30pm at Cary Church of God . I highly recommend that you attend this meeting if you have any interest in going. As we go on mission trips to take the Gospel to the nations, let's pray for our brothe...

How to Study the Bible, Elder-led Prayer, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/20)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Genesis 25-26 The Missions Ministry, along with Zone 2, rendered service at Cary Health & Rehab Center today at 2:00pm. Deacon David Bowser spoke from Psalm 27 about how the Lord will take us in even when others forsake us. The J.Allen Lewis Choir also sang. Thanks to all who came out. We are continuing our Bible Study series, "Disciples Making Disciples". Since disciples makers are instructed to teach then its imperative that we know how to properly handle God's Word. This Wednesday we'll look at how to study the Bible. Everyone is invited to join us and bring a friend. This Tuesday, we'll have our elder-led prayer from 6 to 7pm. Bring your prayer requests and join us for 1 hour of prayer. Please pray for our Haiti Missionary Team that's returning home today. They had a great trip and we look forward to hearing their testimonies of God's grace. Our first Church Family Meeting for ...

Generosity of the Deltas, Elder-led Prayer, Pray for Haiti Mission Trip (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/13)

We had Deltas in the house! The Western Wake Alumnae Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority joined us at church today.  The sorority is celebrating 100 years.  Today, they donated money to our mission trip to Haiti.  Many thanks to the Deltas for their generosity. Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan is Job 35-37 Last week, we started a new Bible Study series on Wednesday looking at "Disciples Making Disciples". There's a great lack of true disciple making in the church today.  Everyone is invited to join us and bring a friend. For the past year or so, leadership has been gathering once a month to pray for this church, our communities, and the nations. Now, we're going to open this prayer meeting to the rest of the church.  Every 4th Tuesday of the month, we will have an elder-led prayer meeting from 6 to 7pm.  Our first one will be 1/22.  Join us for 1 hour of prayer. Our Haiti Missionary Team is going to Haiti this w...

Happy New Year, This is Discipleship, New Bible Study Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/6)

Happy New Year!  By God's grace, we are able to celebrate the first Lord's day in 2013. Our church theme for this year will be "Multiply: Making Disciples who make Disciples".  Making disciples is the mission of the church.  But what does true discipleship look like? Check out this video.                 (Click here if you can't see the video) If we are going to call ourselves disciples of Christ, we should be making disciples. Don't be deceived; every Christian is called to make disciples. I'm starting a new Bible Study series this Wednesday at 7pm on "Disciples Making Disciples". Join us as dig into how to make disciples. Just a reminder that our Haiti Missionary Team is collecting items to take with them to Haiti this month. A list of the items needed is available at the Welcome Center. This is the last week to bring your donations.  You can drop them off at the church until 1...