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Showing posts from June, 2011

Radical Experiment Update, Family Vacation (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/26)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Psalm 70-73 Today's Country: Kerala & Madhya Pradesh ( India ) Spend time in another context: Ladies, we will be serving homeless women at the Helen Wright Center in Raleigh on Thursday at 7:00pm. I solicit your prayers as my family & I will be traveling to Michigan this week to visit my mom. We will be out next Sunday. Also, due to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, communion will be on second Sunday in July.

MZ Town Hall - 6/17

Children's & Youth Day, Radical Experiment Update, next Town Hall (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/12)

Our children and youth "took over" our service for Children's & Youth Day. They read Scripture, prayed, recited, praised God, cheered for Jesus, and delivered some great messages. All glory to God. We also congratulate our 2011 high school graduates. By God's grace, they have made it to this milestone and we are praying for them that they continue to seek to please and glorify God in all that they do. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Job 38-39 Today's Country: Guyana (Latin America) Spend time in another context: Mt. Zion ministered at Phoenix Assisted Care at 2:00pm. The Fine Arts Ministry and the Senior Choir gave a Mini-Concert. Vacation Bible School is happening this month. You can submit your VBS registration fee at any time during the month of June and you can pay your VBS registration in the offering by adding the appropriate amount ($15 for singles, $25 for couples or $35 for families of 3 or more) to your offering an

Next Town Hall, Children's & Youth Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/5)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Job 14-16 Today's Country: Greece Spend time in another context: We had another Haiti Trip Info meeting after church service. If you missed the meeting, but are interested in the trip, please contact the church office. Vacation Bible School is happening this month. You can submit your VBS registration fee at any time during the month of June and you can pay your VBS registration in the offering by adding the appropriate amount ($15 for singles, $25 for couples or $35 for families of 3 or more) to your offering and specifying VBS on the special offering line of the envelope. You can also pay online . Our next Town Hall Meeting is Friday, June 17th, at 6:30pm. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A so submit your questions in advance. Congratulations to our fellow-laborer in the Gospel, Pastor Larry Snead for celebrating his third Pastoral Anniversary on Sunday. Children's & Youth Day is next Sunday,

Haiti Mission Trip Awareness\Planning Meeting