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Showing posts from November, 2010

Ignite Rally, Advent Season (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/28)

Youth & College students: the next Ignite Rally is this Saturday, 12/4 at 6pm at Cary Church of God . The Ignite Conference will be a powerful time of worship and preaching. So bring a friend. To all members who live in ZONE 4, thanks for staying after the service today to meet your Deacons and learning how we can serve each other within the body of our church family. This is the first Sunday of the Advent season. Advent, which means "Coming", is the time to celebrate the first coming of Christ (His birth) as we also prepare for His Second Coming. Again, I remind everyone to not let the Christmas holiday be about excess consumerism but a time of rejoicing in the gift of God's Son and sharing that gift to family and friends.

Thanksgiving Celebration, The Story (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/21)

We had a full schedule today. At 2pm, Mt. Zion is ministered at Chatham Commons nursing home. At 5pm, we are joined with Grace Bible Fellowship for a Thanksgiving Celebration. I had a great time speaking on the topic "A Pilgrim's Faith" from Hebrews 11:8-16 . We thank Grace Bible Fellowship for the great food and hospitality. We look forward to more fellowship in the future. We have a great outreach tool available called The Story . This little booklet is a great way to share the wonderful Good News of God's redemptive story. Pick up copies at the Welcome Center to share with family and friends during the holiday season.

Uganda Orphan Sponsorship Reminder, Joint Thanksgiving Service (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/14)

Reminder: Our church family is reading "Radical" by David Platt before the end of the year. Also, I encourage and challenge our youth to read it as well. Also, a reminder to those who are sponsoring an orphan in Uganda: when sending your money, please indicate the child you are sponsoring. Make sure you read over all of the info you received in your information packet if you have any further questions. Next Sunday, Mt. Zion will be having a joint Thanksgiving service with our neighbor, Grace Bible Fellowship . I will be speaking and the Everready Gospel Choir will be singing. Service starts at 5:00pm followed by a time of food and fellowship. Everyone is invited to join the celebration.

Pray for Haiti & India, 20 Years of Children's Ministry (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/07)

Thanks to all parents and teachers who attended the DiscipleLand workshop. Parents that missed Friday's workshop really missed out on a lot of great info. I'll try to get some of that info to you via our parents mailing list. You can subscribe to the parents mailing list by sending email to Please pray for Haiti and India. Haiti is being hit by Hurricane Tomas while Evangelist Sukumar reports a cyclone is devastating parts of India. At the end of this year, Sis. Phyllis Lewis will end her tenure as Director of the Children's Ministry. She will transition to working with the Youth Ministry. Sis. Daureen Richards will take over as director. We want to thank Sis. Lewis for 20 years of devotion and dedication to teaching and training children.

Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream

"Do you believe that Jesus is worth abandoning everything for?" I'm asking that all of our Mt. Zion church family read the book Radical before the end of the year. This book will convict, challenge, and prayerfully move all of us into radical obedience to the Gospel. "In Radical, David Platt invites you to encounter what Jesus actually said about being his disciple, and then obey what you have heard. He challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences. With passionate storytelling and convicting biblical analysis, Platt calls into question a host of comfortable notions that are common among Christ's followers today. Then he proposes a radical response: live the gospel in ways that are true, filled with promise, and ultimately world changing." (Click here if you can't see the video) Order your copy of Radical today!