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Showing posts from December, 2007

Pastoral Emphasis from 12/30

Lost & Found: If anyone picked up a ladies coat by accident on last Sunday on the bench outside of the ladies restroom, please return to the welcome center or church office (during the week). It’s a black coat with black fur on collar. There was a cell phone in the pocket. I know the owner will be happy to get it back. Don't forget about the two upcoming workshops in January on the 5th and 12th from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Topics for discussion on Jan. 5th will be peer pressure and health, and on Jan. 12th will be gang awareness for children, youth and adults Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Celebration on Mon., Dec. 31st at 9:00pm. Please bring a friend and help us praise God what He has done in 2007 and look forward to another great year of serving Him. There will be no prayer meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 1st. We return to our regular schedule on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd.

Pastoral Emphasis from 12/23

This is the fourth Sunday of Advent. It represents peace. The first coming of Jesus enabled people to be at peace with God. His second coming will bring peace to world. Worthy is the Lamb of God that came to die for the sins of the world. Just a reminder that there will be a Free Christmas Lunch for individuals and families in need. Click here for details. Thank you for your generous giving to the coat drive. The Men's Ministry collected over 100 coats to give to those in need. Please mark your calendar for two upcoming workshops: January 5th and 12th from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Topics for discussion on Jan. 5th will be peer pressure and health, and on Jan. 12th will be gang awareness for children, youth and adults. Due to the Christmas holiday, we will not have Tuesday night prayer meeting, Wednesday night or Thursday morning Bible Study this week. Enjoy time with your family and friends. Merry Christmas!

Weeding out toxic toys

As a parent of small children, buying toys has been a challenge this year with so many recalls. But I found this info on a a couple of websites that could make buying toys easier. One is (contains a database that provides a detailed breakdown of the substances found in over 1,200 toys they tested for lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and PVC plastic) and the other is (you can text message this one to get these test results on a toy back to your mobile phone). So as you shop for your little ones, I hope these websites will help you buy safe toys. read more | digg story

Pastoral Emphasis from 12/16

This is the third Sunday of Advent. It represents joy. We have joy in celebrating the birth of Jesus and joy in anticipating of His second coming. Don't let materialism and commercialism steal your joy. Thanks to those who attended our Christmas program and social on yesterday. Everyone participating in the play did a wonderful job. Everything went very well for our first stage production at our new facility and we look forward to things just betting better and better. We have started our new College Ministry. This ministry is for college students, high school graduates, and young adults. The ministry will be having it's first Bible Study and meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. We are actively working to get our Transportation Ministry back up and looking for a small church bus. We are looking for drivers to join this ministry. So if you have a good disposition and a valid NC driver’s license and would like to volunteer contact Minister William Fields or the church office. T...

Pastoral Emphasis from 12/09

This is the second Sunday of Advent. It represents love. As we prepare for the coming of Jesus, we remember that God is love and gave us the greatest gift of His Son. Thank you for your generous giving to the love offering last month to help the victims of the California wildfires. You gave a little over $500 and the church added to it so we could donate a total of $1000 to Samaritan's Purse. Please spread the word that there's a free Christmas Lunch for individuals and families in need. The time is 11am to 2pm on Christmas day and the location is the Golden Corral at 6129 Glenwood Ave. Check our website or call the church office for details about attending. We will be going out Christmas caroling on Friday, the 14th at 6pm to the area nursing homes. Our Christmas program is on Saturday, the 15th at 4pm. Invite someone to come and join us.

Pastoral Emphasis from 12/2

Just a reminder about the upcoming movie "The Golden Compass"...Do not take your kids to support this movie. The intent of the books that this movie is based on is to kill God who is senile. The author is an avowed atheist and wants to spread an anti-God message. If you want to see a good, quality movie, pick up the DVD, " Facing the Giants ". For everyone's information, we made several changes to the format of our Tuesday night's Prayer and Testimony service: Testimony time will be from 7:00 to 7:30pm in the multi-purpose (MP) room Individual prayers (or small groups) will be from 7:30 to 8pm (people can pray in the MP room or in the sanctuary) The final close-out prayer will be at 8pm in the MP room The sanctuary will be open/available at 7pm for people who have time constraints and can't stay until 7:30pm to pray We are now in the Season of Advent. Advent means "to come". During this season we celebrate the first coming of Christ as we ...