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Showing posts from November, 2005

Pastoral Emphasis from 11/06

Don’t forget your sacrificial giving. We now have specially marked envelopes that you can get from the ushers. As the holidays are approaching, it's real easy to get caught up with buying stuff, but we cannot forget the financial goals that we have in place. Plus you will be blessed from your sacrificial giving. On Sunday (11/13), the love offering will go towards our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Are you living out God’s purpose in your life? Part of that means being actively involved in the ministry and life of the church. I challenge all members to step out in faith and get involved.

Rosa Parks

Almost two weeks ago, Rosa Parks passed at age 92. Her simple act of defiance changed the course of race relations. Parks, arrested in 1955 after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, was arrested and fined. She turned to her minister, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., for aid. King in turn led a 381-day boycott of the city's bus system that helped initiate the modern civil rights movement. We need more people like Rosa Parks in God’s Kingdom that will refuse to go against their conviction and stand for what is right. Similarly, the three Hebrew boys, under captivity in Babylon, refused to bow down and worship an idol. They knew that this defiant act would land them in the fire, but their faith in God was uncompromising. They believed that the God they served was able to deliver them. But even if He did not, they would not compromise! Standing for right my land you in the fire. But you should never bow down! You should...